Sameer, Zakir and Alia!!
Wake up!Wake up! Shouted Alia on Sameer, it was 10'o clock and a bright sunny day at St.Georges Orphanage.Bruno was accompanying Alia to wake up Sameer, Bruno the common pet for the orphanage, favorite to Sameer and Alia. Father John had brought him to the place when it was merely 2 months. At the orphanage, there were around 30 kids, who had the privilege of freedom from their parents. At a very early age, they handed over their kids to Father John, maybe because of early responsibility or poverty. Father always accepted them graciously and raised them as his own, none had ever complained about their lives there, as they were most happy to have friends, siblings or whatsoever you may call them there. Sameer woke up when the clock was past ten humming a tune, shouting at Alia and Bruno that he slept yesterday night very late as he was reading a book by John Keats, as thee was his favorite poet and started off with on of his favorite line "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination" Bruno started barking as if he was applauding him. Sameer and Alia were best of friends accompanied by their favorite Bruno, both of them shared some kind of special bond maybe because they didn't have anything to lose or maybe because they were far away from the outer world. Sameer was 15 and Alia was 13. The year was when the emergency was declared in India. Their whereabouts or the exact date of birth were untraceable, as father john had brought them together to the church where he was the vicar of that small town. Since their childhood, they had been together, kept away from the outside world of hatred by Father John. All the inmates at the St.Georges Orphanage of Chitkul village were the same under one roof, no rich, no poor, no religion, no creed, no color, all one "Human". As breakfast time was over by the time Sameer was feeling hungry still sitting on the bed, understanding which Alia ran of to her bed, took one apple she had kept aside from her breakfast as she already knew that Sameer will be waking up late. As Bruno pounced on Sameer and Alia handed over the apple to him, having partial satisfaction Sameer woke up and went to the playground. Those every day used to be a happening day for the children of the orphanage as each day a couple walks out with a child, with the hope to have a family someday each sunrise brought a smile and faith in them. Well, these all never bothered Alia as she was a happy go lucky kinda girl unlike other girls at her age she was very bold and matured. Sameer on the other side was a fun-loving, poetic kinda human loved to be surrounded by books. Everyday together they ate, together they play and together they used to see the sunset as well...Beep !! Beep!! Beep !! Beep!! Alia suddenly woke up to in a fine morning hearing the alarm ringing as she was getting for the office that late-night she went asleep while recollecting her childhood years. 15 years down the lane that orphanage suddenly came alive in front of her. Arnav was waiting down her apartment to pick her up to the hospital, Alia now among the top Cardiac Surgeons across the country wherein Arnav was a fellow colleague as well as the man who held a special space in her heart. Still, somewhere deep down she used to miss her old Keats Sameer, as what might have happened that night which turned out to be the saddest night and the worst morning of her life. Alia came out of the Operation Theater after a completion of yet another success of a major surgery of a well-known singer Zakir Ahmed, Alia was dull that day because it was the same day when Sameer left her back in the orphanage, around 5 years back she did went back to that stage of life where she can watch her childhood running around with Bruno and Sameer. But when she realized that the orphanage was no longer stood as the same even at times she missed Father John who was a light to them and the man who gave them this life, tears rolls down her cheeks. Arnav saw Alia first time there and goes to her asks her the matter when she denies speaking to a stranger, he first consoles her and tells her that he belonged to that village and Father John was a known wise man to his family from there the starts a story of a relationship. Arnav drops Alia back home, where she used to live with Bruno until he breaks of his path with Alia around 5 years back, it all ended around 15 years back when Sameer was running around Bruno and suddenly slammed into a wealthy couple of the city looking at him wearing a torn shirt and half slippers they empathized the kid and which Sameer didn't like and he threw a marble lying on the ground onto the forehead of the Man, as the same was too small in size the guy escaped unharmed ,the couple were too kind as they ignored and entered the veranda of the orphange where they saw small Alia arranging the books of Sameer into the shelf , they were so impressed with her that instantly they went to meet Fr.John and discussing about her adoption somewhere from behind Sameer runs to father's office and shouts out loud that Alia is going nowhere ,father scolds him and send him back to his dormitory that evening when Sameer comes to know that Alia will be leaving him and shifting with the couples he gets even more sadder and that makes him being very angry on father that how Father John allowed them to take away Alia, on the other end Alia was very upset leaving Sameer behind. When Sameer went and told Alia not leave she nodded her head for a no as well but Father John came and told how important was it for her to leave this place and fly out and grow ,Alia agreed with a heavy heart and hiding her tears as she knew now it wont be possible for her to even smile. Sameer went to Father John's room where he was arguing with father and when father took out that old bamboo cane he got afraid, out of his fear, grief, and anger he again threw a vase on father which got him to hit his head, started bleeding, Alia rushed to father and shouted on Sameer for having no respect she called doctor by the time here Bruno was also got so scared that he went under the bed and closed his eyes, afraid of all this Sameer ran out of the orphanage that night he never returned and he never returned thereafter. Father John searched for the boy everywhere possible until a day he saw him in a train where he was singing and begging from the passengers, as soon as he saw Sameer he came running to father confronted and apologized to him for what happened that night Sameer came to know that Alia left the orphanage the very next day where Bruno accompanied her and joined with the family. The orphanage was closed down children were adopted by a few generous families as father was very kind and caring to people he was not allowed to leave the village. Both of them shared some of the good memories wherein the police came into the train and Sameer had to run. Father John gave him a small pocket Bible and a rosary and said "God Bless You My Child".. a few months later Father John had also attained the heavenly abode, Alia and Bruno attended his funeral wherein Alia now was a strong girl by now. The next day she visited Zakir Ahmed's to ask about his well being, as soon Zakir saw Alia he tried getting up from the bed to thank her, Alia consoled him to take rest as it was major surgery. Zakir was famous singer and he was touring India when he suddenly felt a chest pain and was admitted to the hospital, Alia asked that why he was consuming these dangerous drugs to which Zakir replied Drugs and Music are an escape from reality and here Alia sarcastically replied "yea and then you can really escape from life too "both started laughing. By the breeze of time, Alia and Zakir became good friends as both of them shared a good bonding towards music. On the other side, Arnav was planning on something else, Alia was deeply in love with Arnav she had been dreaming of her wedding vow with Arnav as now in her life everything was settled she got a life partner, good friend Zakir she was overcoming the sadness she had carried out for these years, missing Sameer and Bruno. She was very happy with the things happening around her and was very excited on sharing her life with Arnav, she had already started planning on there home decors as well, she went to Zakir and told him all this that her wait for so long years is coming to an end as she got a perfect partner as they were talking to each other Zakir's lawyer and his pet walked in, Alia asked him the reason to have a pet to which he replied that he badly needed a companion he had adopted a pet and so far as why the lawyer was there was to settle some of his cases. Alia sighed like 'ok anyways' and walked out of his room where she found Arnav standing in front of her as she had not seen him for days as he went to his parents and discussing his marriage with Alia. Alia was surprised to see him and ran to hug him, Arnav gave her white orchids and asked her for a coffee, both of them sat at a coffee shop, it was a cold chilled winter outside where the hot coffee played as a reliever and Alia's favorite chocolate brownie, she was sipping the coffee where Arnav was looking a bit confused. Alia asked Arnav the reason to which Arnav said nothing and was avoiding the question asked by Alia but Alia continuously kept asking him the reason showing concern in his worry, suddenly Arnav shouted at Alia "Didn't I tell you that's there is nothing that's bothering me" Alia was shocked at Arnav's reaction because this was the first time Arnav was reacting like this. Alia got scared as if what happened all of sudden, here Zakir came into the coffee shop and tapped on Arnav's back telling him that he was lucky to have a girl like Alia in his life, Arnav turned to Zakir and was about to hit him in between Alia interfered and asked whether Arnav had gone mad, to which Arnav turned to Alia and told her "You wanted to know the reason right Alia! so listen It's over between us, Me and You cannot be together anymore, I cannot risk my life after getting married to you" Here the worst part of the society that plays a major role in wedding which has shattered many dreams, My HOROSCOPE doesn't go well with yours and it will cause me harm aftermath so can't take a risk on that so it's over Alia saying this Arnav left the shop crushing the orchids. Alia was in shock, tears were rolling down her cheeks, her skin was shrinking, she suddenly sat on the chair with grief and a surprise that overnight the story was repeating only the people changed earlier it was Sameer and now it was Arnav. Zakir tried to console Alia to which she begged him to leave her alone. That night again it rained with few peals of thunder, Alia was still under a shock she didn't know what to be done that night was a nightmare for her. Jamaican Singer Bob Marley once quoted " The biggest coward of a man is to awaken the love of a woman without the intention of loving her" well that's true. Alia somehow managed that night because she had seen much more than this still at some part of heart craved for Arnav. Next day Zakir, as usual, went to meet Alia for one last time before he leaves to Baku where his next tour was maybe this was his last tour of India he thought to bid adieu to Alia, as he reached hospital he found out Alia was not available at the hospital, he rushed to her apartment where he came to know that Alia has left to Chitkul village to meet someone there. Alia was standing on the same stone trail from where it all started, from where she saw Sameer leaving, where she met Arnav the end and the beginning was in front of her she wished if her friend Zakir was there her only known friend, unknown of the fact that Zakir might not return to India once left for Baku. All of a sudden she felt a hand over her shoulder as soon as she turned back and to her surprise, it was Zakir Ahmed was standing in front of her humming the same tune Alia used to miss even before Alia could speak he looked into her eyes and said: "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination". Alia went on knees and wondering what was actually happening around her the world was reloving in front of her eyes. Zakir too went on knees, holding Alia's cheeks told her that there is this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow I play it on repeat. Alia slapped Zakir and hugged him tight like for once her fight with life was over. Her Sameer was in front of her, as he told how he met Father John and that day how he joined a group of nomad people going around places and living on the earning through there singing abilities, from where he was adopted by a guy called Zakir Ali Ahmed who gave him clothes, a shelter, and food to eat that how he survived by the dua of that man, to keep the gesture Sameer became Zakir Ahmed. Sameer looked into Alia's eyes and said "We don't believe in any stars to believe in apart from those shining above our heads, and asked "Will you marry me" ..
Love is My Religion, I Could Die For It...
- John Keats